Dock35 Media adds advertising sales in podcasts for medical specialists to its portfolio
Dock35 Media expands its portfolio with advertising sales for podcasts by and for medical specialists. Under the name De Spreekkamer, Orly Media produces podcasts on various medical disciplines and themes that connect and inspire professionals. Since its launch in 2019 with the surgical podcast Met Het Mes Aan Tafel, which has now been listened to over 120,000 times, new podcasts have been developed by enthusiastic doctors and residents. Active podcasts include Met Het Mes Aan Tafel (Chirurgie), Verlossende Woorden (Gynaecologie & Obstetrie), Gewichtige Gesprekken (Reumatologie), Met Volle Teugen (Longgeneeskunde), BotCast (Orthopedie), Hart Op De Tong (Cardiologie), Hersenspinsels (Neurologie), Onder de Loep (Dermatologie), Tegen Het Licht (Radiologie), Blaaskaken (Urologie) en Knock Knock Cast (KNO).