Helden Magazine to Roularta Media Nederland

Helden Magazine

Roularta Media Nederland has acquired 'Helden Magazine' from Helden Magazine B.V. with effect from 11 October 2023, strengthening Roularta's position in the Dutch market, particularly in the sports segment. Helden brings stories about sports performance, fun, gold and the other side of the medal. About the struggle behind the achievement and behind the failure. Stories that inspire, admire, amaze and offer new perspective. Heroes' print reach is 103,000 per edition and has a monthly digital reach of 1.8 million impressions from its website and socials. The podcast involves 5,000 listeners per episode.

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Image of Emilie Kars
Emilie Kars
Media Adviseur at Dutch Health Hub/ Jaarbeurs
In three words: energetic, passionate, creative
cup of coffee
with milk

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