Pijper Media acquires NOUVEAU from DPG Media


Pijper Media is acquiring NOUVEAU from DPG Media as of March 1, 2024. This acquisition strengthens Pijper Media's glossy portfolio, which includes titles such as Elegance and Grazia. For DPG Media, the sale aligns with their strategy to accelerate digital growth within the women's segment, with an emphasis on leading brands such as Libelle, Margriet, and Flair, focused on making social impact.

NOUVEAU targets stylish 45+ women and is published 12x a year and has a circulation of over 28,000 copies. In addition, NOUVEAU has an online platform and inspiring social media channels, with a daily online reach of 70,000 women, who are informed about the latest trends in fashion, beauty, art, health, lifestyle, royalty and travel. The new editor-in-chief will be Sandra ten Brink.

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Peter Burghoudt
uitgever / hoofdredacteur at VOL-MAGAZINE
In three words: don't give up...! or driven, passionate, results-oriented.
cup of coffee
Preferably a doppio macchiato, with real milk, I don't participate in the oat milk hype!

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